Project Overview
SVN | Northco Golf & Hospitality (“SVN | Northco”) was initially engaged by the University of St. Thomas (“UST”) to provide a use/valuation analysis for their southern campus – the Gainey Conference Center (“Gainey”). This facility was primarily used as a corporate conferencing facility along with classroom space for UST.
Located in Owatonna, MN, Gainey is a historic facility consisting of 35 guest rooms, a full service kitchen, a conference center, horse arenas, and numerous other buildings on 178.77 acres of land. After the valuation and presentation to the board at UST, SVN | Northco was engaged to sell the property and procured a premarket buyer who wanted to convert the facility to a rehab retreat center. Working with the city and community, the property went through a zoning change and the buyer expedited the close on the transaction.